Thursday, November 13, 2008

Celebrate and Collaborate with Yo-Yo Ma

New Yo-Yo Ma contest at

* record your own duet with Yo-Yo Ma
* listen to other submissions
* compete to perform with him in person!
* Click below for more details
* Click "Share" to add this to your website

Yo-Yo Ma & Friends
Songs of Joy & Peace Television special

Ovation Network

December 8th
9p Eastern / 6 pm Pacific
12a Eastern / 9 pm Pacific

December 23rd
8p Eastern/ 5 pm Pacific
11p Eastern / 8 pm Pacific
2am Eastern / 11pm Pacific

Check your local listing or this list of TV providers in major cities that carry the Ovation Network.

National - DirecTV, Dish

New York, NY - TWC, VZ
Los Angeles - TWC
Chicago - CST, TV Max
Philadelphia - VZ
Dallas - TWC, VZ
San Francisco - CST, Horizon
Boston - CST, VZ
Washington DC - Cox, VZ
Houston - TVMax
Miami - CST
Cleveland - TWC
Tampa - BH, VZ
Seattle - CST, VZ
Baltimore - VZ
Orlando - BH
Sacramento - CST
Charlotte - TWC
Indianapolis - CST
Pittsburgh - CST, VZ
San Diego - TWC
Portland OR - VZ
Raleigh-Durham - TWC
Cincinnati - TWC, I
Kansas City - TWC
Columbus - TWC
Salt Lake - CST
San Antonio - TWC
Harrisburg - VZ
Norfolk - VZ
Louisville - I
Austin TX - TWC
Honolulu - TWC
Greensboro NC - TWC
Birmingham AL - BH
Jacksonville - CST
Buffalo - TWC, VZ
Richmond - VZ
Syracuse - TWC

TWC - time warner cable
CST - comcast
BH - bright house
I - insight
VZ - Verizon FIOS

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